Postgraduate course in Biology according to Federal State Educational Standard (FSES)* of higher education in Russian Federation.
* Federal state educational standard of higher education in the field of training 06.06.01 Biological sciences (Order of the Russian Ministry of 30.07.2014 № 871.)
Education in postgraduate school (aspirantura) provides training of highly qualified personnel for life science. The main purpose of the post graduate course in Biology is to educate the highly qualified personnel to work with biological systems for economical, medical, ecological purposes, and protection and rational use of natural resources.
The objects of professional activity of graduates who have mastered the postgraduate program in Biology are: biological systems of different levels of the organization, the processes of their life and evolution; biological, bioengineering, biomedical, environment protection technology; biosphere functions of soils; biological assessment and monitoring, evaluation and restoration of biological resources and natural environment.
Occupational activities for the graduates who have mastered the postgraduate program in Biology are: Research and development activities in the biological sciences, and Teaching activities in the field of biological sciences.
After finishing the educational postgraduate course in Biology, general competences (which do not depend on the specific areas of training), general professional competences, and specific professional competences are to be formed. Graduates who have mastered the postgraduate program in Molecular Biology or Molecular Genetics must have following general competences:
- capacity for critical analysis and evaluation of current scientific achievements
- generating new ideas in solving the research and practical problems, including interdisciplinary fields
- ability to design and implement integrated interdisciplinary research on the basis of a holistic system of scientific outlook
- readiness to participate in the work of russian and international research teams to address scientific and educational tasks
- readiness to use modern methods of scientific communication and technology at the state and foreign languages
- ability to plan and solve problems of their own professional and personal development
general professional competences:
- ability to carry out research and development in the relevant professional field with the use of modern methods of research and communication technologies
- readiness for teaching the basic educational programs of higher education
professional competences:
- ability to carry out independent scientific research and obtaining scientific results that satisfy requirements for the obtaining the Doctoral degree in Molecular Biology or Molecular Genetics
- possession of modern information technology to solve problems in the field of molecular biology or molecular genetics, statistical data processing, and search for required information in global database.